oh yea~
* a glimpse of eye *
It comes to the fourth month of the year
i have a pretty pack schedule for the month of April.
first of all, am flying to Hong Kong this coming Saturday.
it's like after so long i get to visit HK again!
going for 5 days 4 nights trip and might spend a day "swim" over Macao again!
gotta shop for Naraya & i miss Curry Fishball!
After my HK trip and gotta work for another week plus,
then off...here comes my 1 whole month medical leave~
:x *oopss*
might goin Singapore with the father during the beginning month of May.
we are goin there to watch "Lion King"...LOL
but this is not firm yet because the ticket is so "HOT" & "SELLING FAST".
if we able to get the ticket then i will off to Singapore.
Last, the most important one.
im flying to Aussie, AGAIN~!
oh well~
first stop would be Melbourne, pay a lovely visit to my sweet bun.
then will fly together to Adelaide to visit my Qooki!
can't wait for it.
i really wanna get myself out of this country and have a good rest!
eyy...it supposed to be my medical leaves,
but throughout the whole post it seems to be more like my travel leaves ya.
by the way, surgery on the 27th April and 4th May so no conflict.
but will need to take up a month rest for my pretty eyes. :P
so decided to spend the holiday wisely by traveling around.
hehe~ till then and off i go~

* story of the day: moku is soft like a tofu *
can't wait to see you <3