Friday, April 30, 2010


its been awhile...
for not going eye check-up.
suppose do it once a year but ever since last year i didnt show up anymore.
doctor 1st told me it does not matter as the black dot dont grow,
not until the last check-up,
he actually told me that it getting slightly bigger,
its time to arrange for operation...
but i drag it until now, and recently i realized my eye sight getting worse..
so i bet its time to go for a check up already.
*phew* feeling sick of all these...
what about the skin...what about the eye..what about the ear?


  1. oooooh, pls take care ur eye. it's 灵魂之窗~~

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  3. Shian..i like this >>> 灵魂之窗... :)
    no worries..i will take good care myself...faster finish ur exam!
    im F miss you!!

  4. phew phew phew.
    everthing will be alright. no worries

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. missing you too ;)
    I could only see you in far last time :/


♥ crapz ♥